Thank you for your interest in the SHARE-RV data. We would like to provide you with the most important information about SHARE-RV on this page.What is the project about?
SHARE-RV stands for the direct linkage of SHARE survey data (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe) with administrative data of the German Pension Insurance. The explicit consent of the respondents is obtained for data linkage. The SHARE-RV dataset offers great analytical potential with respect to the relationships between employment and other life dimensions both on an individual as well as household level. The research dataset not only covers a broad range of topics, it is also more detailed than pure survey data. This is because administrative data can fill any gaps in the memory of the respondents, for example. The linked datasets make it possible to investigate the effects of major life events or physical and mental health on employment or the start of retirement, for instance.
SHARE-RV is a cooperation project between SHARE-ERIC and the Research Data Centre of the German Pension Insurance (FDZ-RV).
What does the survey data from SHARE look like?
SHARE is a multidisciplinary longitudinal study that began in 2004. It investigates social, economic and health situations of ageing people in Europe. The survey of the 50+ age group is meanwhile conducted every two years in 28 European countries and Israel. Altogether, around 140,000 people have been questioned in more than 530,000 interviews in eight waves of panel surveys, two waves on life histories (SHARELIFE) and two corona surveys (SHARE Corona Survey). In Germany, around 8,800 people were questioned at least once through to the eighth wave of surveys. The prepared data and documentation are available free of charge to all researchers worldwide.
What does the process data from the FDZ-RV look like?
The FDZ-RV provides longitudinal data in the format of the sample of insured accounts (VSKT) as well as the cross-sectional sample of pensions (RTBN):
- The data in the format of the sample of insured accounts (VSKT) comprises a fixed part, containing demographic characteristics and a number of pension-related variables, and further longitudinal modules on the social earnings situation (SES). This represents a comprehensive survey of all activities subject to social security from the age of 14 until 65, as well as the resulting earnings points. However, it does not include employment as civil servants and self-employed occupational activities that are not subject to insurance.
- The cross-sectional sample of pensions dataset (RTBN) offers information on people already in retirement. It includes the start of pension, the type of pension and earnings points attained.
How can the data be accessed?
The data may be used exclusively for scientific research purposes. For this purpose, the data is offered in the form of Scientific Use Files both in German and in English for the analysis programs Stata and SPSS. Please note that the SHARE data and the administrative data of the German Pension Insurance must be ordered separately for data protection reasons. The data can then be trivially combined by the users themselves. Registered users can download the SHARE data via the SHARE website, while the process data can be ordered and provided via secure data transfer.