Access conditions

Off-site or on-site: which dataset is right for my project?

The Research Data Centre offers scientific research projects access to the data of the German Pension Insurance. Since the data provided concerns sensitive micro-data, the data is subject to special protection. This means that access to the data and work with the data are clearly regulated and controlled accordingly. Before the data is made available, it goes through a number of anonymisation procedures. The FDZ-RV offers a range of access options for the use of micro-data. Whether the data is made available for use on your own device off-site or on-site only depends on the variables selected and their level of detail. 


Eligibility to apply

Please note that applications for data use may only be submitted by individuals who hold a doctorate. For qualification work (master or doctoral theses), please enter the supervisor (who must hold a doctorate) as the project leader and add yourself as a further party involved in the next step. User agreements are always concluded on a project basis. Data access is granted to projects conducted at universities or independent scientific research institutes, which are engaged in the topic of social security. Regardless of the type of access, an application must always be submitted in order to use the data. 

Applications are submitted electronically via the portal.

On-site access

We initially recommend using our data off-site. On-site data analysis can only be conducted on the premises of the Research Data Centre at workstations for guest researchers or via remote access. On-site data use is characterised by a large sample size (up to a complete survey) as well as a high level of detail. Moreover, on site it is possible to link together different data sources from reporting year 2011 as well as data from different reporting years using a unique identifier. 

If you wish to use data beyond the scope permitted for off-site use, please contact us before submitting an application. We will advise you on the correct data for your project and the appropriate form of data access.

Guest researcher workstations

We recommend off-site use before applying for a special dataset according to your wishes. One way to analyse datasets with particularly sensitive content is to work at a guest researcher workstation. These workstations have special security measures. Researchers are not able to import or export data themselves. All additional files, which the researcher wishes to import or export, are first checked by FDZ staff. Standard analytical software programs are available on the PCs: SPSS, Stata, R and Python.

We currently offer six workstations in Berlin as well as one workstation in Mannheim and another in Würzburg. Monitored remote access may also be used for supplemental analyses following a guest research stay. Please contact us if you wish to work at a guest researcher workstation.

Remote access

The Research Data Centre of the German Pension Insurance offers researchers the possibility to carry out supplemental analyses via remote access following a guest research stay. As is the case during a guest research stay, data does not leave the secure environment – only the checked analysis results are provided. However, unlike a guest research stay, presence on the premises of the FDZ-RV is not necessary. Instead, the analysis syntaxes can be created and started and the results viewed from any PC with an Internet connection. 

Eine Person sitzt am Tisch und arbeitet am Laptop und Handy

Remote access

Users can authenticate themselves their using access credentials provided by the FDZ-RV upon request. The analysis programs SPSS and Stata can currently be used.

Remote access

Off-site access

Off-site data gives researchers the possibility to analyse datasets using a device provided by their own research institute. This access is likewise subject to strict access conditions. For example, an application must also be submitted in this case (also see rights of use and obligations as well as data protection and data security). In contrast to on-site access, the sample size is reduced and the level of details of the variables is confined to more restrictive criteria. Our team is available to assist you in determining the right dataset for your project.

Scientific Use File

Scientific Use Files provide researchers access to specially prepared micro-data, which can be used for scientific analyses and investigations. These datasets are specially intended for use on a device provided to the researchers by the research institute. Once an application has been submitted and approved by the Research Data Centre, the data can be used. The SUFs enable flexible use of the data while observing data protection requirements.

Campus Use File

The Research Data Centre supports the use of micro-data in scientific teaching. Specially prepared datasets are available for this purpose. Students should thus have the opportunity to gain initial experience in handling micro-data and develop methodical skills. No publishable results can be generated using the Campus Use Files.

Auf einen Tisch liegt ein Vertrag, welcher unterschrieben wird

Please note:

General information and conditions for user applications

Submitting applications