Support and resources
The Research Data Centre of the German Pension Insurance offers comprehensive support and resources for researchers in order to assist them with accessing the data and performing analyses.
Advice and support
Specialist advice
Our team offers comprehensive support in the planning and implementation of your research project. We advise you on selecting appropriate datasets, submitting applications and defining a suitable methodological approach.
Technical support
Our team is available to answer questions on data processing and security, particularly in the use of guest researcher workstations and remote access.
Conferences and workshops
Conferences and workshops are organised at regular intervals. These provide a platform for open exchange between data users and employees of the FDZ-RV
Documentation and handbooks
We provide you with documentation, code plans and handbooks that help you to understand the structure and content of the datasets and use them effectively.
Software tools
We offer access to software tools such as SPSS, Stata, R and Python in order to support your analyses.