Completed Rehabilitation 2008 (Abgeschlossene Rehabilitation)

Off-Site Scientific Use File

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Information about the data set

Number Of Cases

Survey design

Reporting Years

Requirement for use

Data Source


Notes on citation

Forschungsdatenzentrum der Rentenversicherung (FDZ-RV)  (2010): Completed Rehabilitation 2008 (Abgeschlossene Rehabilitation) (Version 1.0) [Dataset]

Short Description

Scientific Use File Completed Rehabilitation (Abgeschlossene Rehabilitation) (SUF.RSDJ):

The cross-sectional data set SUF.RSDJ is based on the rehabilitation statistics database (§ 4 RSVwV, SK94). The population of the SUF.RSDJ consists of persons who have completed at least one medical or vocational rehabilitation programme. In each case, the most recent rehabilitation services of the person are shown; for medical rehabilitation this is limited to four, for vocational rehabilitation to six. A disproportionately stratified random sample is drawn, which includes 10 per cent for persons with at least one medical benefit, 35 per cent for persons with at least one benefit for participation in working life and 35 per cent for persons who have received both medical and vocational benefits.

In addition to socio-demographic data, information from the rehabilitation application and notification, such as the type of benefit or implementation, is also included. The socio-medical documentation on discharge includes information on the duration of rehabilitation, form of treatment, five ICD diagnoses, form of discharge, suggestions for subsequent measures, ability to work and performance.

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