Active Insured Persons 2016 (Aktiv Versicherte)
Off-Site Scientific Use FileNotes on citation
Forschungsdatenzentrum der Rentenversicherung (FDZ-RV) (2018): Active Insured Persons 2016 (Aktiv Versicherte) (Version 1.0) [Dataset]
Short Description
Scientific Use File Active Insured Persons (Aktiv Versicherte) (SUF.AKVS):
The cross-sectional data set SUF.AKVS is based on the statistics on active insured persons (§ 1 RsVwV section 1, SK97). The population of the SUF.AKVS consists of persons for whom a contribution or credit period has been recorded within the reporting year. It also includes insured persons who have become pensioners, died, or left active insurance for other reasons by the end of the year. The size of the random sample is 1 per cent.
In addition to demographic information, the data set covers a person's insurance status as of December of the reporting year. Information on earnings, social security contributions, contribution and credit periods is presented for the reporting year and the previous year.
The cross-sectional data set SUF.AKVS is based on the statistics on active insured persons (§ 1 RsVwV section 1, SK97). The population of the SUF.AKVS consists of persons for whom a contribution or credit period has been recorded within the reporting year. It also includes insured persons who have become pensioners, died, or left active insurance for other reasons by the end of the year. The size of the random sample is 1 per cent.
In addition to demographic information, the data set covers a person's insurance status as of December of the reporting year. Information on earnings, social security contributions, contribution and credit periods is presented for the reporting year and the previous year.
Supplementary downloads
Statistikband "Versicherte 2016"
PDF 2.13 MB
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Dr. Daniel Brüggmann
Katharina Werhan
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