SOEP-RV Insured Persons’ Pension Portfolio 2023 (Versichertenrentenbestand)

Off-Site Scientific Use File

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Information about the data set

Number of cases

Survey design

Reporting years

Requirement for use

Data source

Notes on citation

Forschungsdatenzentrum der Rentenversicherung (FDZ-RV)  (2025): SOEP-RV Insured Persons’ Pension Portfolio 2023 (Versichertenrentenbestand) [Dataset]

Short description

Scientific Use File SOEP-RV Insured Persons’ Pension Portfolio (Versichertenrentenbestand) (SUF.SOEP-RV.RTBN): The SUF.SOEP-RV is based on data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP), which surveys around 30,000 people from almost 15,000 households every year. SOEP-RV combines the survey data from the SOEP with administrative data from the German Pension Insurance. This includes the longitudinal data of the insurance accounts sample (§ 1 RSVwV section 2, SK79) as well as the cross-sectional data of the pension portfolio statistics (§ 7 RSVwV, SK90). The prerequisite for linking is the written consent of the respondents. The SUF.SOEP-RV.RTBN provides important pension-related facts such as pension amount, components of the pension payment amount, earning points and credited insurance periods.

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Katharina Werhan Referent

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